656th Radar Squadron, Saratoga Springs, NY
Dedicated to the preservation of the 656th Radar Squadron memories
by the veterans of the Satatoga Air Force Station.
Old Radar men never die - Their echos fade away in accordance with the inverse forth power law.

USAF Air Defense Command 656th

2016 Reunion Photos / Videos

Front row: L to R: Dwight Pardee, Jim Micucci, Jim Scanlan, Bob Baumbach, Chip Norton, Mike Dougherty
Back row L to R: Jim Cryster, John Tianen, Bob Wilsea, Bob Pinkston, John Michell, John Crumb, Orville Schroeder
Missing: Mike Bala
May be purchased at

Front 2 rows L to R: Larry and Nicki Bala, Dwight & Hilda Pardee, Mike and Joyce Bala, Jim & Sheila Micucci, Jim Scanlan, Bob & Pat Baumbach, Chip & Hope Norton, Mike & Pat Dougherty
Back 2 rows: Bill & Karen Pettigrew, Howard & Gail Levo, Don & Gloria Bonsteel, Jim & Pat Cryster, John Tianen, Bob & Kathy Wilsea, Bob & Linda Pinkston, John & Sherry Michell, John & Ann Marie Crumb, Orville & Doris Schroeder
May be purchased at http://flashphotobranson.photostockplus.com/event_2488977
Hits from the 60's Video Tribute for the 656th Vets  (mp4 video)
Member's Photo Page (Submit yours)


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